The Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority and the City of Cincinnati are leading a comprehensive place-based neighborhood revitalization strategy that builds on community strengths, leverages planned investments for broad and equitable impact, and reflects on the rich history of the West End.

We Choose Our Future!
The West End Choice Neighborhood Transformation will Create Opportunities for Residents, Preserve Affordable Housing and Rebuild the Neighborhood.

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Check out the latest articles, videos, documents and events about the West End Choice Neighborhood initiatives.
West End Cincinnati Choice Neighborhood Implementation
The Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority and the City of Cincinnati are working with over 30 partners to apply for a $50M Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant to begin implementation. From 2021-2022, the West End CNI Transformation team conducted an inclusive planning process to develop and build consensus around place-based strategies that leverage opportunities and address challenges in the West End neighborhood and to revitalize the target public housing sites Stanley Rowe Towers A and B, Rowhouses and Liberty Street Apartments.

The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Focuses on Three Key Areas:

New apartments that are climate resilient with community amenities and for sale homes integrated into the neighborhood

High-quality education, workforce training, living wage jobs, wellness and quality healthcare

West End Choice Neighborhoods
CMHA and the City of Cincinnati are applying for a HUD Choice Neighborhood Implementation grant in collaboration with the Stanley Rowe Towers A and B, Row Houses, and Liberty St Apts residents and key stakeholders.
Stanley Rowe Towers A and B, Row Houses, and Liberty St Apartments. The West End neighborhood bounded by north: W McMicken Ave and Western Hills Viaduct, east: Central Parkway, south: 6th St and Kenner, west: CSX-Norfolk Southern rail lines and I-75.
The Choice Neighborhoods Team is working with Stanley Rowe Towers A and B, Row Houses, and Liberty St Apts residents and the West End to develop a CNI application that serves
as the guiding document for directing transformative change and investment to benefit existing residents.