What is the West End Cincinnati Choice Neighborhood Project?

The Choice Neighborhoods program leverages public and private dollars to support locally-driven strategies that address obsolete public housing sites through a comprehensive approach to neighborhood transformation. The Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grant supports the development of a neighborhood revitalization plan which focuses on directing resources to address three core goals: Housing, People and Neighborhoods.

How has Choice Neighborhoods assisted low-income families and improved the communities in which they live?

Watch this Choice Neighborhoods program video, read more about the Choice Neighborhoods program highlights and sign up for the Choice Neighborhoods newsletter.

West End Choice Neighborhoods Implementation Application Timeline

In December 2020, HUD awarded CMHA a Choice Neighborhood Planning Grant to develop a Transformation Plan for the West End neighborhood. In January 2023, HUD accepted the West End Transformation Plan, understanding that further detailed work needed to be undertaken related to housing sites, neighborhood strategies and the plan for implementation, once the CNI Implementation Leads were selected.

As a required part of the Choice Neighborhoods Planning process, CMHA solicited for an experienced Housing and People Implementation Lead team in the fall of 2022 with proven success and subsequently selected McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS) as Housing Lead and Urban Strategies as Social Services Coordinator and Case Manager People Lead. The City of Cincinnati is Co-Applicant and also serving as Neighborhood Lead.

Urban Design Associates (UDA), a global design firm with 60-years of experience that is renowned for their work on Choice Neighborhoods is leading the housing plan development and neighborhood mixed-use strategies design for the West End CNI grant application. UDA brings local knowledge, as well as Choice Neighborhoods experience; UDA recently worked on the Cincinnati Riverfront Master Plan, Lower Mill Creek Valley neighborhood plan and College Hill Corridor Plan.

What else is included in the West End Choice Neighborhood Initiatives?

One for one replacement of low-income units, including mixed-income and potentially mixed-use communities providing onsite services, particularly for seniors and children.

Individualized personal development plans for each household to improve early education, school, out of school activities, job training, employment, income and health. The project has support from dozens of local community-based organizations.

Choice Neighborhoods stimulates public and private investment with significant economic impact on the local economy. This City targeted revitalization area is located in an Opportunity Zone.

Master planned community, connected sidewalks, green open space, high quality building materials, energy efficient systems built in accordance with 2020 Enterprise Green Communities.

21st century broadband connected neighborhood. Ensure access to services, education, training and job opportunities.